Lesson Overview


The student should develop knowledge of the elements related to logbook entries and endorsements as required by the CFI PTS.

Key Elements
  • AC 61-65

  • Endorsements

  • Required records

  • Logbook entries

  • Student pilot certificate endorsements

  • Preparation of a practical test recommendation

  • Flight review endorsements

  • Flight instructor records

  • iPad

  • References

  • Pillow, (or optionally substitute 3 cups of coffee)

  1. Discuss objectives

  2. Review material

  3. Development

  4. Conclusion

Instructor Actions
  1. Discuss lesson objectives

  2. Present lecture

  3. Questions

  4. Homework

Student Actions

Participate in discussion Take notes

Completion Standards

The student understands what is necessary in students’ logbooks, for student pilot certificates, preparing a student for a practical test, as well as the requirements for flight review endorsements and flight instructor records.

Instructor Notes


Don’t get stuck with your student at a check ride or without the proper endorsements! And, don’t get stuck not retaining the necessary records in the case that the FAA comes knocking!


Review Objectives and Elements/Key ideas


Logbook entries and certificate endorsements discusses the necessary entries instructors must make in their student’s logbooks as well as the endorsements required for different situations.


It is important that the instructor understand the requirements to keep the student’s logbook and training in order, not only for the student’s well-being but also to comply with the FARs.

Lesson Details

Student Pilot Endorsements

While previously the instructor entered endorsements on the student pilot certificates, with the advent of the new plastic certificates the instructor now (as of April 2016) makes those endorsements in the student’s logbook. The following will summarize the various requirements for what used to be student pilot certificate endorsements.

14 CFR 61.87 - Solo Flight

A student pilot may not operate an aircraft in solo flight unless he/she has received and endorsement from an authorized instructor for the specific make and model of aircraft to be flown.

A sample pre-solo test can be found at the AOPA website

Presolo Written Test Ideals - AOPA

15 CFR 61.93 - Solo Cross Country

(a) A student pilot must have a solo cross-country endorsement from the authorized instructor who conducted the training that is placed in the student’s logbook for the specific category of aircraft to be flown. (b) A student pilot must have a solo cross-country endorsement from an authorized instructor that placed in that person’s logbook for the specific make and model of aircraft to be flown. (c) For each cross-country flight, the authorized instructor who reviews the cross-country planning must make an endorsement in the person’s logbook after reviewing that person’s cross-country planning.

SP Endorsement

Practical Test Endorsements

Each applicant must have received an endorsement from an authorized instructor who certified that the applicant received and logged the required flight and training time in preparation for the practical test within two calendar months preceding the month of application of the test, and is prepared for the practical test. All applicants must have the required endorsements specified in Part 61 for the aircraft category, class, rating, or privilege of certification sought. The instructor and student must cmoplete the IACRA rating application online (iacra.faa.gov). Alternatively, the instructor must complete and sign a Form 8710-1 which is given to the examiner at the practical test, though most examiners no longer use this method and require that IACRA be used instead.

Except in certain circumstances the applicant must hold at least a third class medical certificate. All applicants who reapply after a denial must present another endorsement stating that the necessary training has been given and that they are prepared for the practical test. In this way a practical test, whether satisfactory or not, "uses up" the endorsement for that test. An instructor’s recommendation is required for each re-test.

Practical Test Endorsement

Flight Review Endorsements

After the successful completion of a Flight Review the instructor must endorse the pilot’s logbook. An Instrument Proficiency Check (IPC) is performed by a CFII for instrument rated pilots. Upon a satisfactory completion of an IPC the pilot’s logbook must be endorsed. For an unsuccessful IPC or flight review no logbook entry regarding the flight review is required, though an entry for the instruction given should be made. The IPC and flight review endorsement language is found in AC 61-65.

Flight Instructor Records

Along with the pilot’s records, a flight instructor is also obligated to maintain training records regarding instruction given. A separate logbook or record should contain the following :

  1. The name of each person whose logbook that instructor has endorsed for solo flight privileges, and the date of the endorsement.

  2. The name of each person that instructor has endorsed for a knowledge test or practical test, and the record shall also indicate the kind of test, the date, and the results.

These records must be maintained for at least three years.


It is important to know the necessary endorsement and logbook requirements for many common situations. This way, the instructor has an idea of what is necessary prior to sending a student to take a test.

ACS Requirements

To determine that the applicant exhibits instructional knowledge of the elements related to logbook entries and certificate endorsements by describing:

  1. Required logbook entries for instruction given.

  2. Required student pilot certificate endorsements, including appropriate logbook entries.

  3. Preparation of a recommendation for a pilot practical test, including appropriate logbook entry for:

    1. Initial pilot certification.

    2. Additional pilot certification

    3. Additional aircraft qualification.

  4. Required endorsement of a pilot logbook for the satisfactory completion of the required FAA flight review.

  5. Required flight instructor records.