Basic Maneuvers / Stalls


  • Gain proficiency in controlling airspeed during basic maneuvers and traffic pattern operations.

  • Become familiar with stalls from various flight attitudes in order to increase understanding of airplane control during normal and critical flight conditions.

  • Begin controlling the airplane attitude by instrument reference (IR)

  • Properly execute basic maneuvers and procedures, particularly takeoffs, traffic patterns, and landings.

Session Details

As always the basics (takeoff, climb, level flight, etc.) will be monitored and corrected where mistakes are detected. The key focus of this session is an introduction to stalls. Initial power-off stalls, with ball centered, are explored first so as to build up a level of comfort with stalls for the student.

Demonstrate that what recovers a stall is a reduction in angle of attack, and that power is not absolutely necessary (which also stressing that ACS standards do call for power in the stall recovery, and will be used in any further stall explorations).

From there proceed to a discussion of the change in AoA that can occur with stalls and how this can lead to secondary stalls. Discuss why yaw is to be avoided and how unchecked yaw can lead to a spin. Demonstrate and practice having a wing drop, and how it must be picked up with rudder and not ailerons. Continue with power-on stalls emphasizing that the aerodynamics are the same just with more deck angle, and more left-turning forces.

In all cases emphasize and enforce correct stall recovery procedures.


Lesson Plans

These are individual lesson plans, keyed to the ACS, which discuss the topics included in this flight lesson. Each of the references below will have further references to additional FAA documents which address the individual topics in depth.

  • 6.B : Traffic Patterns

  • 7.A : Normal and Crosswind Takeoff and Climb

  • 8.A : Straight and Level Flight

  • 8.B : Level Turns

  • 8.C : Straight Climbs and Climbing Turns

  • 8.D : Straight Descents and Descending Turns

  • 11.A : Maneuvering During Slow Flight

  • 11.B : Power-On Stalls (Proficiency)

  • 11.C : Power-Off Stalls (Proficiency)