Dual Night


  • Introduce flight at nighttime

  • Develop an understanding of the ways in which night flight differs from daytime flight

  • Understand the specific additional hazards which are present with night flight

  • Satisfy the requirements of 14 CFR 61.109(a)(2), which is three hours of night instruction

Session Details

Night flight is beautiful, but has hazards which are not present during flight in the daytime. These lessons will cover those hazards, and the additional skills needed to safely fly at night.

These sessions will also serve to satisfy the FAA requirements for night flight. This will include three hours of instruction, during which there will be at least 10 takeoffs and 10 landings to a full stop at night, each involving a full circuit of the traffic pattern. It will also include at least one night cross country of at least 100 nautical miles.


Lesson Plans

These are individual lesson plans, keyed to the ACS, which discuss the topics included in this flight lesson. Each of the references below will have further references to additional FAA documents which address the individual topics in depth.

  • 2.H : Night Operations